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Ref# FSTC28676

Tank Rail Cars For Sale

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(3) Tank cars for sale
Two of the cars are larger, the third, not as big.
All have been verified as empty and safe to move.

(a) Previous Use Carbonate Pesticide
DOT 105S500W
22,357 Gallons
LD LMT 162,700lbs
LT WT 100,300 lbs

(b) Previous Use: Carbonate Pesticide
DOT 105S500W 22,306 Gallons
LD LMT 163,300 lbs
LT WT 99,700 lbs

(c) Previous Use: Calcium Chloride
DOT 111A100W1
17,953 Gallon
LD LMT 195,900 lbs
LT WT 67,100 lbs Plate C

Location: Texas

For more information about this listing
Please call 512-263-1953

Ask to speak with Garrett Crouch
or email

FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676 FSTC28676